Positive Perspectives for Modern Lives
by Lorrie Marlow
Buddhist principles permeate blockbusters such as The Secret, The Power of Now, The Law of Attraction, the works of Wayne Dyer and Caroline Myss, and The Celestine Prophecy. Yet, there aren't any daybooks that reflect those same vibrational principles which have created such an invigorated perspective. Now THE VICTORY IN THE OBSTACLE makes that startlingly modern source material available to people who want a fresh, down-to-earth daily perspective, even if they have absolutely no interest in Eastern-anything. Drawing on the 13th century Writings of Nichiren Daishonin — but using 365 quotes chosen for their lack of Buddhist-specific jargon—The Victory…draws its title from the phrase: "One who falls to the ground rises by pushing themselves up from the ground" (WND-1), because every seeming impediment possesses the very elements required for our happiness, if only we can just shift our perspective and use those very circumstances that seem so daunting.
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